Monday, November 10, 2008

Kid’s Activity: Cornucopia Confusion

Here is a great Thanksgiving game for family gatherings. It is a variation of Musical Chairs. Here’s how you play:
  1. Create a circle of chairs using one less chair then there are players.
  2. One player will be the leader.
  3. All players, except the leader will take a seat.
  4. The leader will then name each player using typical Thanksgiving dishes to name the players. For example: turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, pumpkin pie, stuffing, corn, etc. The leader may name more than one person a particular name.
  5. Once each player is named, the leader will call out two dishes. For example: pumpkin pie and corn. The players assigned these names must switch places as quickly as possible.
  6. The leader continues to call out combinations of dishes in succession until he or she decides to call, "The cornucopia has tipped over." At this time, all players hop of and find a new seat, including the leader. The player left with out a seat becomes the new leader. And so, the game continues.

Our family is large enough to play this game at home, but we also enjoy it with a group on Thanksgiving with other family members are there. We hope you enjoy this activity with your family.

As will most of our activities and crafts, this activity too can be altered to fit other occasions. We've used it at parties, calling it Birthday Boogy. In this instance, we named the players party related items like: candles, cake, presents, pinata. The first leader was the birthday child. This is only one example as you can rename it for any gathering.

Hope you enjoy the game. Happy Thanksgiving!

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