It’s fall, and the weather is beautiful outside . . . at least where we live. So, it is a great time to spend some time outdoors with your kids. This weekend, my husband took our 6 year old son outside to throw the football. Excited, which you may have figured out is just part of my son’s personality, was an understatement. Our little boy was ecstatic about the idea of having his dad to himself outside, for some one-on-one time.
If you don’t have a football, but would like one, here are some of your options:
If you don’t have a football, but would like one, here are some of your options:
- Wilson Ultimate Composite NFL Junior Football
- Wilson NCAA Supreme Junior Sewn Rubber Football
- TDJ Composite Junior Game Ball Football
My husband, who has coached children’s football in years past, first drew the football field in the dirt and explained the basics of the game to our son. Then, they went out to a clear spot in the yard to throw the ball. He showed our son techniques for holding the ball, throwing it, and catching it. Here are some of the tricks and tips he shared:
Throwing the Football:
- Hold the ball in your throwing hand. Place your fingers on the laces, then slide your hand toward the back of the ball so that only the 4th and 5th fingers touch the laces. Your throwing hand should hug the ball, but still allow a little light to pass between the football and the palm of the hand. If your child is too small, there may be no room for light to pass. This is okay.
- The ball should be balanced in the hand and pulled back next to the ear. If your child is unable to balance the ball with just his or her throwing hand, then the other hand may be used on the side of the ball to balance it until release of the ball.
- Prior to throwing the ball, position the feet shoulder width apart, with the opposite foot from the throwing arm forward. When the ball is thrown, the arm should travel forward across the body and to the opposite hip. Follow through with your arm, even after releasing the ball, to the hip.
Catching the Football:
- The biggest key to catching the ball is to stay loose. If you stiffen up, then the ball will bounce right out of your hands.
- If you are catching a ball below the belly button, hold the hands open, side by side, with little fingers together.
- If you are catching a ball above the belly button, hold the hands open with thumbs together.
- Once the ball is in hand, pull it into the body.
Get out there and have fun playing some back yard football. If you enjoyed this activity, here are a few references that may help you to build on this activity:
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