This weekend, while visiting family out of town, we took the kids to Pinnacle Mountain State Park just outside of Little Rock, AR. Since we were spending the weekend at a hotel, we picked up lunch on our way to the park, ate there, and then let the kids play. Of course, we helped too. We helped with monkey bars, jungle gyms, and swings. And, we made several trips to the restroom. But, the kids had a great time.
This activity is extremely inexpensive, since you have to eat anyway. It can occupy as much of your day as you choose. It can be a simple or extravagant as you like. And, best of all, it gives the kids a chance to run off some steam! So, if you have some time to kill and want to spend some quality time with your kids, then here are some suggestions, ideas, and options for a picnic at the park.
- If you're one of those parents who likes to go all out, or if this is a special occasion, make your child and invitation to the picnic in the park. If you are extremely crafty, this will be easy, and fun. If you are not, this can be simple and still be very special. Take a piece of computer paper and fold it in half or in fourths. This will be your card. Then write your message and draw a very simple picture. If you're not confident of your drawing skills, then keep the drawing simple. If you're technologically inclined, you can use your computer to a make this invitation using a card-making program. If you do not have one, here are three to check out: Printmaster - Platinum Version 18
, Hallmark Card Studio 2005 Deluxe
, Printmaster Greeting Cards
. The prices vary to fit any budget.
- You can make or buy lunch to bring. If you choose to make it. Let your kids help you pick the menu and prepare it. This, of course, should not be a free-for-all. Choices and responsibilities should be limited according to what you deam appropriate. If making lunch is not an option, or is too much trouble for you, then you can always buy lunch. Your kids will enjoy this just as much and it saves you time and trouble. Whichever way you choose to go, make sure you have plenty of napkins and drinks. Once they start playing, they get thirsty.
- If you've already eaten lunch, or just want to avoid going out during the hottest part of the day, you can substitute dessert for lunch. Your kids will really enjoy the snack in the park. And, again, this can be prepared at home or purchased on the way.
- If you're going to eat at the park make sure you bring an outdoor blanket. This is just another little touch that your kids will love. It makes the experience special. You don't need a fancy water-resistant blanket, although these are great for outdoors. Any blanket that your willing to take outdoors will be great. This way you're not trying to eat while sitting on the itchy grass. My kids hate sitting in the grass. They also hate the bugs that always tend to show up when you're eating outside. (When they're busy playing, they don't seem to notice them as much.) The blanket gives them a backdrop that helps in spotting unwanted picnic guests. If there are tables at the park, you can always choose this option instead of the blanket.
- If there is a large open grassy area at the park, you may want to bring a ball to toss. Or an RC car or plane. These are two great ways to spend time with the kids doing things together.
- You can have the kids play a game of chase, or tag. Go ahead, play with them. They'll love it. They won't think you're silly. And guess what, no one else will either. You're never too old to play games, especially with your kids. If there are enough of you, you can have the kids play hide and seek while you watch them. This way you can keep track of all the hiding children so as not to loose one.
- If you're going out during the sunny part of the day, don't forget your sunscreen. And if there may be biting insects, grab the insect repellent on your way out the door.
- If you want to have a picnic at the park with your kids and either don't have a park, or don't want to go, you can do this in your back yard and have a great time too. Use your imagination and have fun.
- Last, but not least, don't forget the camera. You never know what they'll do, and you wouldn't want to miss out on a photo op.
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