Thursday, October 2, 2008

Letter to Parents: Keeping Our Kids Healthy

Dear Parents,

As I was sitting in the doctor's office with our youngest child today, I suddenly realized that flu season is upon us. And with the weather changing we will all be more prone to colds. So, I thought I'd take this opportunity to run through a short list of tips for keeping our kids healthy. These tips will work for you and your kids:

1. Wash hands often. Before we eat, after coming in from outside, after using the restroom, after changing a diaper, after petting household animals, after coughing or blowing our noses . . . and the list goes on. Good hand washing is the #1 way to stop the spread of illness!

2. Get plenty of rest. Although we tend to live our lives on the run. Trying to jam as much into a day as possible, it is vital to our health that we get enough sleep. We all know that our cell phones won't work if the batteries are not charged. The same is true for our bodies. Without sufficient rest, we can't expect to function at our best. Nor can we expect our bodies to fight off disease if they are worn out.

3. Drink plenty of water. Staying well hydrated assists your body in cleansing on a cellular level. Our bodies not only filter the substances we consume on a daily basis, but they produce many substances as well. In order to have the body's waste products washed away, there has to be something to wash them away with. You would not stand in the shower with the water turned off and expect to get clean. The same is true for your body.

4. There are dietary supplements that we can take to help boost our immune systems. The first is Vitamin C. This is a water soluble vitamin and therefore does not build up the body. You can take Vitamin C on an ongoing basis with no adverse affects. Vitamin C is proven to boost the immune system. The second supplement is the herb, Echinacea. While this also boosts your immune system and helps your body fight infection, it can not be taken continually. It is recommended that you begin taking Echinacea at the first sign of a cold and do not continue use beyond four to six weeks at a time. To learn more about the best dietary supplements on the market CLICK HERE.

There are several references available on this subject. A few that I've found are as follows:

The ABC Herbal: A Simplified Guide to Natural Health Care for Children
Strengthen Your Immune System : Boosting the Body's Own Healing Powers in the Fight Against Disease
Boosting Your Immune System


Eve Lawson

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